Tag Archives: #WUVIP

HealTHY Self

Roses are red, violets are Blue.. Or in this case purple💜

Drying my freshly washed culinary delights

Roses are red, violets are blue 
The reason I share this is all because of you😘

As you may know I’m passionate about spreading the love of wellness, mind, body & Spirit for those of you who are ready to feel better. I usually find something that works for myself and I enjoy sharing it with the world. Needless to say…

Continue reading HealTHY Self

❤️ Forget Love, Fall in Coffee

#DropsOfLove are essential❤️
If you know me, then you know it’s all about the Love. Well just for today, forget Love.
Let’s all fall in coffee😜☕️🍫🎃 The chocolate pumpkin kind to be exact.

After having fun at last nights informational essential oil class in my office. Inspiration prompted me this morning to feed the creative fires within my soul. By producing my own version of a classic with this healthy twist. Introducing my healthy morning brew to you.

 Chocolate/Coconut/Pumpkin/cinnamon spice… Mmmm… Pure delisciousness and did I mention it’s loaded with 20 grams of protein, real pumpkin, natural ingredients and my all time favorite… Chocolate. Even better!
Here, Cheers to your day!
Sip and Enjoy and feel amazing.. And repeat. 😍☕️☺️

Continue reading ❤️ Forget Love, Fall in Coffee

❤️Pray often

In letting go all things are possible. Imagine that?…
Yesterday was one of  those times. Spirit is continually present in my life. Jesus said, “Ask and you shall receive, and your joy will be complete” – John 16:24.

After speaking to my sister about how we as people seem to try much to hard to get things to come together. She agreed. We have a need to feel as if we are in control. Ultimately we never are. It’s all an illusion. There’s a small card in my car as a reminder that says Give love expecting nothing in return. I decided to accomplish this more frequently than I have done in the past, to see what would come about. Inspired by the results I share what I’m continuing to learn. Often times I turn to prayer when I’m not sure what to do or which way to go… Getting out of our own way really seems to allow things to flow to us effortlessly when they are meant to be.

Prayer was an essential part of life growing up in the Catholic faith. It’s what I’ve been taught. Although it felt more out of memorization and obligation to me rather than as a connection to something bigger than myself. It wasn’t until I realized later in life that prayer does a body good, it’s also wonderful spiritual tool for the soul, but that’s another blog post altogether. For now let me explain. Continue reading ❤️Pray often

An Open Door Welcomes New Possibilities❤️

An open door welcomes new possibilities❤️
Many new doors will open throughout your life. Are you ready to walk on through to the other side? Yes?… No? It’s ok. Wherever you are along your journey remember it’s your journey and yours alone. No judgement. Only you can push yourself forward. Only you can choose which path to take. You’re never alone however at times it may certainly feel this way. Continue to move forward no matter what. Backwards is only a stall tactic. It’s fear that is holding you there. Focus on all the Love  that is in your life. Take that leap of faith, eventually you’ll look back and be glad you did. All the signs you pass along the way will be pointing you in the correct direction. Even if you may not notice them. Trust that they are there. You are is exactly where you are meant to be. Guess what?

Continue reading An Open Door Welcomes New Possibilities❤️

❤️ The Presence of The Now

Be still. Silence your soul. Listen from within.

Everyone wants to live on top of the mountain, but all the happiness and growth occurs while you’re climbing it❤️
-Andy Rooney
So much can be said for this quote. Although wherever you are on your own journey, simply enjoy the view. Look around once in awhile or you may miss what’s right before you. Presence, which is the true gift. Take in your surroundings, the beautiful scenery before you. Wherever you are at any given moment it is beautiful, even magical. It’s all in your perspective. In how you view your place in the world.

Continue reading ❤️ The Presence of The Now

❤️Clinging keeps you stuck

Clinging keeps you stuck.
Let go… Free yourself from all limitations❤️
We are never stuck yet we hold on to the way we think things should be. Why? Fear of change? Fear of being not good enough? Fear of being alone?  None of these things are true because as we know fear grows us. It’s how we evolve into the beautiful souls we are meant to become. WE ARE ALL GOOD ENOUGH! We simply have to keep trying, placing one foot in front of the other. Put on your blinders (like on a carriage horse) and don’t ever look back. Move forward and hold your head up high. It’s time to March onward and upward now… It’s the only way to get where you’re going. Let me also say that there are many detours and speed bumps along the way… This is life in all its glory… Take a deep breath, wipe away those tears that you may have shed. (BTW salt water tears are healing and you don’t need to go to the beach to experience this😉) Keep on keeping on… The Light inside of you will be your one true guide. Your Heart💖Light shines no matter what you do. Remember to shine and illuminate the path for everyone you meet everyday… Always be kind. Lastly please remember you may be lonely, this happens from time to time. However, YOU are never alone.  There are 100,000 Angels, Guides, Beings and your Spirited Loved ones by your side at all times. Makes for quite a crowded space if you think about it☺️👍😇✨👼🙏🎉💖✨
This has been #AMessageOfLoveFromAbove❤️
*Angel Card, Mediumship, Oil Readings & Healing sessions available by Appointment.
©Lisa Potts
“Just Hanging Around”
This cute little guy greeted me with his song of wisdom as he stuck to my front door the other day. I Love the signs Mother Nature sends when we are open seeing them.
*Tree frog meaning: Transformation. Growing pains, struggling to find your place in the world. Fertility. The birth of Abundance. Luck. Healing. Renewal.

A snip in Lavender was well ahead of it’s Thyme❤️

Be Well

Yesterday I went to the dentist for what I thought was a somewhat routine visit to have a couple of crowns put on and a filling addressed.

5 hours later I was finally able to walk out of the dentist’s office. Long day…  I was in a good deal of discomfort from having to hold my jaw open for that long and also from the gum tissue that had to be cut away with the laser. Not to mention the 10 or so shots of novocain I courageously endured… It wasn’t that bad I guess, but what can I say… I’m a strong one or so my dentist told me. He had to use more novocain than normal. He said “You need more than the average bear”… I nervously giggled. Was he relating me to a bear? I thought, no.. I was now a full fledged Queen as I received my first and hopefully last 2 crowns ever…  Who knows, but he made me laugh. Btw.. I really like my new dentist. Great guy! Dr. Brian Trachtenburg. Check him out and mention my name if you are in the market for a new dentist who is completely thorough. They give out nice gifts to all new patients 🙂 http://www.tymatrachtenbergdental.com

He explained to me how challenging my situation was. Long story short. I was told to get on a pain reliever right away. I had to disagree. FYI.. During the procedure I felt called to send Reiki healing to myself, the hygienists, and to my dentist. Continue reading A snip in Lavender was well ahead of it’s Thyme❤️

Blind Faith… Healing at the Chapel

Chapel at sunset

Chapel of the Holy Cross  Nov. 7th, 2016

I can’t explain how exactly I am moved or why I feel the way I do when attending the prayer service at the Chapel in Sedona, AZ. I feel there’s a profound healing energy that resides beneath the surface of the Chapels’ energetic footprint deep within the red rocks. Each and almost every time I’m there praying for people I am completely moved to tears. God’s presence is felt there by so many weary travelers. Yesterday was once again one of those times. It is my understanding that tears are a release of what our hearts cannot say. I believe we should always allow the tears to flow when we feel the need to do so. A release should never be held back or held within. Always allow the pent up energy to flow fluidly from your eyes. Tune into your body afterwards to see how much better you feel. I bet you it will be the difference between night and day. Letting go of what no longer serves you allows for healing, for growth and expansion to begin. To heal is to shift your energy. You were never actually broken you know, only in need of a rewiring, a shift in thought, which essentially is all energy. So shift your thoughts and shift your mind. This is what people in the spiritual community are referring to as a Holy Shift!?  The feelings that I felt my heart was expressing to me in that moment when the tears began to well up in the corners of my eyes is that I am eternally grateful for all of you in my life. For your trust in me that your prayers would be carried up to the alter of this Chapel. Which by the way has been blessed this year as a healing place of Mercy by the Pope. I was lucky enough to be here in February with my cousin, Melissa and now to be back here again yesterday in such a reverent and Holy space. The Year of Mercy will commence on the 15th of November. It has been my honor that together with my Mom we were able to carry your prayers from PA to AZ and lay them on the alter next to the cross with Jesus for Divine Healing of the highest and best good for all those involved.

As I held you all in prayer, there was one point just as I was beginning to get in line to walk up to the alter Continue reading Blind Faith… Healing at the Chapel

Spirit and the Crystal Angel


This story is about a Holy WOW experience! On the last day of December, 2015 this Spirit story took place. Talk about going out with a Bang!?
As I arrived to work at the salon. I was met by my first client of the day out in the parking lot . I greeted her with a hug and a smile and together we walked into the salon. We’ll call this client Denise for all intents and purposes of this story.
I welcomed Denise back to my station. Wished her a Happy New Year’s Eve. I set her up for her hair color service. Before I went in the back room to mix up her color formula I asked her if she would like to pull an Angel card from the Angel pot on my crystal station. This is something I believe all my clients have come to enjoy. In picking their Angel card for the day it serves to give them clarity and guidance. She gladly obliged and she chose her first card. As she flipped this card over, we read it together. It read: “Intention.” As she looked at me perplexed. She asked me “what does that mean? I have never picked that one before.” I explained to her that the intention card means to me that she needs to set an intention in her life. Particularly since this day was the pinnacle to the beginning of the New Year. I said “what a wonderful day to pull that card.” I believe that spirit already knows what cards will be drawn even before they are chosen. Denise seemed to like my explanation. She reached in the pot once again for yet another Angel card to validate her previous card which was intention. Her next card was “Harmony”. Another important card and also a validation of Spirit’s guidance. I again explained to her that once she sets her intention (positively) things will begin to come together with ease for her and all those involved. Everything will be harmonious. This card to me can also represent the family unit or a family bond. Three or more people coming together in love. (Spirit intervened, sharing that last sentence with me as I wrote this blog post.) Interesting. I’ll have to keep that in mind. Thank you Spirit!
As I applied the color to her Denice’s hair we chatted about life, work and loads of other things. I enjoy hearing about what’s going on in my clients lives. I feel I live vicariously through them at times. Finally, I set Denice a timer for her hair to process. I sat down on one of the dyer chairs just across from her. She began to ask me about Reiki and Reiki healing. We had been speaking about the giant poinsettia plant which was in the salon as a decoration for the Holidays. I lovingly named him (the poinsettia) “Big Red.” We spoke of how this plant was doing so well in the space towards the back of the salon. The reason being I believe is the Healing Reiki that I send to it daily. It grew immensely since being place there in early November. Her eyes widened and I could tell her ears perked up! I think that most people in general are curious as to how Reiki healing works. I explained a little to her about how I become a clear channel when offering Reiki to a person, animal or object. There are even times when I have found a situation can benefit from Reiki. I Reiki everything! I have gained the nickname Reiki-Lisa from another well known medium in the area. This makes me smile as I realize I am only the facilitator. Spirit or God (whichever you believe) does the rest. I am only the vehicle through which spirit uses as a conduit to do the healing or to send the energy. I ground and they funnel or channel it through me. As we were speaking, Denise said to me “Did I ever share with you about the Crystal angel? ” I said “No…” She proceeded to share with me her sweet story…
Back in November she left an unhappy job situation. A woman from her work boxed up her belongings that were at her desk. The woman then gave them to her. In the box Denise received there was a little crystal Angel figurine with beautiful golden wings. It was beautiful she told me. Denise told me that she had no idea where it had come from. It was not hers. She had never seen it before. Whamo! In that instant I realized that her spirit peeps decided to stop by and step into my aura for a visit. I felt their presence engulf me! I swear it’s like an open invitation to spirit when one of my clients or friends begin speaking of their loved ones on the spirit – side of life. At this point I don’t even have to try to pull them in. They are simply there. It’s like the veil thins and then they are through! Clear as day I can sense them. I receive messages from Spirit via thoughts, feelings and emotions. I also have developed all my Clair’s. Which means I can see, hear, sense, know, taste & smell everything from Spirit. That is how they connect and communicate with me.  Now don’t get any ideas people… This is not my intention of how I like to work with spirit on a normal basis. With them simply just popping in when they feel like it.? I have boundaries that I set. I am pretty firm on this also. This was different though. This was a hello from heaven! These kinds of occurrences I cannot stop. When spirit is that determined to come through there’s just no stopping them. As luck would have it Denise happened to be my one and only client on this day. I really didn’t mind giving this reading. It was a lovely way to end the year for both of us. Sometimes you simply have to be grateful for what is.
Back to Spirit and the Crystal Angel.  Instantly I sensed a male Spirit step forward. Either a father or grandfather energy presented himself to me. We weren’t sure at first who this was and then he gave me the name Geff to corroborate who he is. Denise’s eyes became as wide as dinner plates… She shouted “Yes! That’s my Grand pop! How would you know that!” I was able to affirm a great deal of information for her. One of the things Geff showed me was a kiss. I saw a  set of lips being blown in her direction. He gave me the feeling he was blowing Denise a kiss. She validated this by sharing that he was a kind man always giving out kisses. He was all about the Love. He showed me Denise’s blue eyes and he gave me the feeling that his were blue also. He said “She has my eyes.” Denice said “Yes!”
Geff went on to give me his cause of passing, which was his heart. I felt this in my chest area. He also showed me something with his foot, like a limp or something. Denise once again confirmed that he walked with a cane. I felt he was on her mom’s side of the family. She confirmed that he was. Denise began to say she speaks to him often. In particular when she needs help or guidance with her mom or about her work. Denise loves crunching numbers, and Geff gave me the feeling that he too loves numbers. In the law of attraction they say like attracts like.
 I was able to explain to Denise what her Pop-pop shared with me. He does guide her. With her work issues. He’s like her guardian angel. (Although our loved ones cannot become Angels, they can guide us from the other side. The difference with Angels is they have never lived on the Earth plane.) When people cross over into the realm of spirit they have a higher vantage point to view things from. They are still the same people they were. Crossing over does not change who they are. They do not become angels or Saints. They simply can see things differently from a lofty perspective. This is one reason why Geff told me he sent Denise the Crystal angel. For guidance. She also wanted to know where on Earth it came from. She knew it was not hers. She had never seen it before. I explained to her what an apport was. Have you ever heard of this terminology? Here, let me explain.
Apport –
parapsychologists and spiritualists, an apport is the paranormal transference of an article from one place to another, or an appearance of an article from an unknown source that is often associated with poltergeist activity or spiritualistic séances. Common items that are produced are stones, feathers, flowers, perfumes and animals. These objects are said to be “gifts “from the spirit(s).
I shared with Denise that the Crystal Angel her Pop-pop gave to her was a physical manifestation or an apport. He was letting her know that he guides her in life and also in her work. Also that he is there for her and that she is never alone. He also expressed to me she needs to place the Crystal Angel where she can see it. She told me it hangs in her room where she sees it daily as a reminder of him and his love. She was flabbergasted! Denise turned to me and asked if it’s normal to feel worn out after experiencing the energies of spirit? She said she was exhausted. I said to her “ab-SOUL-lutely!” All of this information is exhausting for most people to learn to connect with during one sitting. I went on to explain further how for me, Spirit’s energy leaves me tingly all over. I’m used to it. I have been doing it all my life in one form or another. It’s like a psychic muscle one needs to build up in order not to tire out too quickly. She likened the vibration of Spirit to being all jacked up on Red bull. I call it a spiritual high. The best way I can explain it to call it a spiritual morphine. Which to me is what spirit can do for the living when we are in need of “Love energy”. This “Love energy” is what comforts us in times of need from the pain of loss. This is my definition of spiritual morphine. Denise said to me “I’m all tingly inside.” I said “yes that’s how it feels. Welcome to my world. I get that feeling all day long.” When a Spirit being pulls their energy close to ours the difference in vibrational energies is palpable. This can make some people extremely emotional. Those that are empathetic feel it the most. Like when a loved one in Spirit steps in close to your own aura or energy field. This is also the time when Spirit hugs can be experienced. Spirit energy vibrates so much faster than human energy. In order for them to connect with us they must learn to slow their energy way down and we must learn to speed our energy way up. Somewhere in the middle the energies meet up. This is where I come in as the medium. My energy is naturally high by nature. I am able with my abilities to surround myself in the light of God’s love which Divinely oversees the possible union or meeting of the souls. Some call this union a soul to soul connection. I call it a spiritual heart to heart. Where only good can come to it and only good can come from it. The energy of those on the higher planes or dimensions in the spirit realms are amazing to me. I have learned so much from them. I continue to be blown away by many of the lessons they teach me and also my clients. So many lessons of love and forgiveness. Nothing else matters I’m learning. Nothing else matters, but love.
There was a boatload of information that filtered through from Geff, Denise’s Pop-pop. At this point though it was time to rinse and remove Denise’s hair color. I brought her over to the sink. I told her that she was still in an extremely heightened or open state. I explained that she may still receive information from her Pop-pop as I gave her a relaxing scalp massage. I find water to be a major conductor of spirit electricity or energy. Just as I thought, as soon as I placed my hands on her head to begin the scalp massage I was shown a beautiful red rose for her. This is one of my symbols for love, or for sending love to her. I allowed Denise to fully relax while I worked on her without speaking a word. After the scalp massage was over Denise opened her eyes and said to me “I don’t know… The only thing I kept on hearing where the words I’m sorry! I’m sorry! I’m sorry!” Repeated over and over again. She told me that those words didn’t make any sense to her coming from Geff her Pop-pop. She thought she was making it all up in her thoughts. I helped her to understand that this was Spirit communicating with her. I instantly felt that we were not only with her Pop-pop anymore, but another Spirit as well. This rather soft spoken benevolent spirit energy had stepped forward on my other side with a new message. This time I explained it was a woman connected to Geff. I felt it was his wife, Denise’s Grandmother. She was able to accept this information and validated it quite clearly for me. Her Grandmother is on the Spirit-side of life. Denise said that “her grandmother saying I’m sorry makes perfect sense now.” Denise’s Grandmother who would’ve been Denise’s mom’s mom was stepping in to deliver a message of love and forgiveness to her daughter. Both of our mouths dropped wide open! I shared with Denise that all of my readings are wonderful when spirit steps in with information to validate their existence and the continuity of life after death. That in itself is awesome! When you throw in how they are able to weave a web of connection back into our lives and assist us here in the living, to learn important life lessons for our souls’ evolutionary growth. To me this is incredibly brilliant on their part. God works in such mysterious ways. I have been humbled beyond words at times with some of the things that transpire during a session. I said to Denise that so many of my sessions are wonderful and healing for all the parties involved. However only a few sessions are what I call “WOWS!” (Words Of Wisdom, Sincerely) this was one of those times. An enormous Wow! What a wonderful way to end the year on a note of pure unconditional love and Divine forgiveness. Also a beautiful way to start the New Year off with a BIG Bang!
I love stuff like this!!! Don’t you?
Together we walked slowly back over to my station so I could finish drying and styling Denise’s hair. We were both still a bit shellshocked by what just took place. The way Spirit can bring a connection together in such a wild and unusual way. I explained to Denise how one Spirit who is maybe a bit stronger than another will step in at times. Gently bringing in or allowing another Spirit maybe who is more of a quiet soul to speak up or give a message of what I call Love from Above. They are so kind that way.
Now I had to teach Denise a crash course in how to be the Spirit messenger or honorary Spirit medium. To be able to deliver this lovely message to her mother. We both decided after speaking about it for a moment that her mother may or may not be open to receiving the message. Mainly because it’s from her daughter. Denise’s mother can be a bit close minded it times, as can many people when they are not ready to hear certain things. Denise’s grandmother, Amelia I felt was this way as well. The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. We devised a plan in which to make the message come to life in a way that her mother could understand it. For her highest good. I would like you all to understand that you too can use this plan if you ever have to share Spirit information or a message with someone who may not be 100% open to receiving a message from a medium, or from you for that matter. This works no matter what their religious background or belief system is. I found it works like a charm if you use this one simple technique that I would like to share with you.
Explain to them that you had a dream of the loved one that you speak of. Everyone can relate to a dream. In this way the recipient of the message can decide if they want to accept the message or not. Some soul food for thought.. Just because we ourselves receive messages from Spirit does not mean we have to share them. We all have abilities to tune in and pick up thoughts from Spirit. We do it all day long and half of you do not even realize you’re doing it. Learning to discern what is meant to be shared, when it’s the correct time to offer guidance from Spirit and what is not to be expressed is all part of learning the art of mediumship. This knowledge comes from years of education taught from informative teachers and sitting in Spirit circles with other like minded mediums in training. It’s not something I advise that you take lightly. Your words are powerful, use them wisely. I have had this happen before where someone leaves me after a session. With all good intentions of not only sharing the wonderful messages of love and light that have filtered through for their loved ones here on Earth. Only to find out they’re up against a huge brick wall when trying to relay the message that spirit brought through specifically for that person. Not everyone is open to receiving messages from the other side. That is ok. Everyone has differing beliefs. However everyone can relate to a dream. Who doesn’t want a hello from heaven? Specially when it’s heaven sent.?
Denise could not get over all that had transpired during her appointment and frankly neither could I. Like I said in the beginning of the story this is not something I normally offer in the salon. This type of reading is what normally takes place in my office over at the Healing House, by appointment. However spirit had other plans for us this last day of 2015. Out with the old and in with The new! Happy 2016 everyone!!
I asked Denise to pull one final card before we closed her session and finished up her hair appointment. She pulled “A-wakening.” What a perfect card for her. What a perfect day, and finally in what a perfect way all this information came through for us this  gloriuos day.. God not only closed the door on the old way of life for Denise. He also opened up a window to show her with love that all things are possible to those who believe. ❤️
The end.

A Grateful Heart Radiates Love ❤️


A Grateful Heart

A few months ago one of my clients came into the salon for her haircut. She was glowing, no she was actually beaming! Her heart’s center could be seen radiating out into the salon even before she entered the building. I was stunned. Taken back for a moment.  I’m not used to seeing her this energetically exuberant. She normally just smiles when she enters the salon. I have felt that she has had a heavy heart for some time now. This just goes to show that you never actually know what someone is going though in life. Please remember to  always be kind.

(I will call my client Marina for the intent of this story.) On this particular day Marina was radiant. Dressed in a vibrant cobalt blue blouse that enhanced the slate cool blue tone of her eyes. She radiated God’s Divine Love. There was something different about her. I was thrilled to see her in this new light.

We all tumble into the shadows from time to time. That is part of life. Accepting life’s ups with the downs. We cannot be happy all the time. (Although I for one would like it that way, except that we would never appreciate the good days because the balance would not be present. Like the yin and the yang, life is all about finding that celebrated middle ground, or happy medium… Although I am right here!☺️ ) Offering assistance to someone in need can change your life as well as theirs. Have you ever tried it? Going out of your way to give support to someone who’s having a bad day or someone who needs to be heard, or maybe someone who could really just use a kind-hearted hug. Try it sometime. See if it doesn’t change your perspective on things. It will!

As she sat in my beauty chair I asked her how she was doing? I said “You look fantastic! What’s going on?” I also told her to wear more of that cobalt blue color she had on, she looked wonderful in it! Her face lit up when I said this. She may have even blushed. She was beaming even brighter now! Marina began to share something that occurred with me during her previous appointment a few months prior. I listened intently. Marina said “Do you remember the last time I was in? I was feeling down and before I left the salon. You gifted me with that beautiful rose quartz crystal stone?” I said yes I remembered. It was quite  vivid in my memory because I felt called by Spirit to do so. I do not do this for everyone. I allow Spirit to guide me with things of this nature. Marina explained how that crystal helped her a great deal. She said she held it in her hand and near her heart. It had imparted healing and wisdom to her. I felt that Spirit urged me to share the crystal with her as her heart chakra was somewhat blocked (this is when energy in or around the heart’s center gets stagnant and isn’t flowing like it should be). Marina explained that not only did the rose quartz crystal help to heal her. She informed me that this one considerate action that I had done for her had a giant ripple effect. The kindness that Spirit assisted me in bestowing to my friend and dear client had rippled out into the ethers like a gentle wave making it’s way across the multiverse. Love has the power to do this like nothing else can! Try it, you’ll see.❤️

Marina shared how her sister too was assisted by this single random act of kindness. Her sister is going through dialysis and Marina wanted to do something positive for her as well. She wanted to pay it forward if you will. So she searched my website looking to see if I sold these crystals. Until recently I did not, however now Spirit has once again guided me to purchase select crystals to aid in healing. Eventually Marina was able to find the perfect crystal chakra set for her sister online. After ordering the crystals and sending them off to aid her sister in healing, she waited to hear what her sister thought of the gift. A few days later Marina was told by her sister what an awesome surprise it was to open the package and see the healing crystals inside! Her sister knew exactly what they were for as Marina explained to me that her sister was a former hippie and adored crystals and crystal healing. This gift was right up her alley. From what I understand Marina says her sister is doing better. I cannot say exactly whether it was the crystals or the genuine Love that was sent in that package being used to assist Marina’s sister. What I can say is that when you give Love you get it back 10 fold. My Mom has always taught me this. Thanks Mom! Marina was so excited to communicate to me what my actions had done for not only herself but for others around her. Her outlook on life was now much brighter. There was a joy in her heart and a light, happy spring in her step. I Love days like this! Makes my job not feel like work at all. I Love what I do!!!

I was sharing this story with my mom as we did our usual prayer-walk on the trail and as soon as I finished telling her the whole story I was halted in my tracks, frozen from the chills running through my physical body  as we gazed down at the heart which appears in the photo I have posted above. It was laid out clearly in front of us on the trail by the universe for all the world to see! A perfect twig shaped heart. I even said to my Mom, “No way!” I am always humbled when Spirit sends me signs as validation for the work I do. Being a vessel or conduit for Spirit is one of the highest forms of service.

My mom and I probably walked past this twig heart a thousand times before. We weren’t meant to see it until now.

“God lights the path that we choose to walk along. If we open our eyes and our open our hearts we can see all there is to see.”

I am extremely grateful for Marina’s kindness in gifting her story to me. I share this small gesture of Love and how it rippled out into the vast universal flow of energy and then returned like a boomerang right back in hope that you may see that anything is possible when you believe and give Love unconditionally. ❤️

With Peace and Spirit’s Love from Above to all,                                                                                         Lisa Potts                                                                                                                                                                  The Hairdresser-Medium®

*We have received a new shipment of many powerful healing crystals I will be offering for sale at the Healing House, where I offer healing sessions and readings for those looking to connect and receive Messages of Love from Above. ❤️

*Crystals will be available for purchase at my upcoming workshop:

Unlock your Inner Heart-ist