Category Archives: Kindness

Spirit and the Crystal Angel


This story is about a Holy WOW experience! On the last day of December, 2015 this Spirit story took place. Talk about going out with a Bang!?
As I arrived to work at the salon. I was met by my first client of the day out in the parking lot . I greeted her with a hug and a smile and together we walked into the salon. We’ll call this client Denise for all intents and purposes of this story.
I welcomed Denise back to my station. Wished her a Happy New Year’s Eve. I set her up for her hair color service. Before I went in the back room to mix up her color formula I asked her if she would like to pull an Angel card from the Angel pot on my crystal station. This is something I believe all my clients have come to enjoy. In picking their Angel card for the day it serves to give them clarity and guidance. She gladly obliged and she chose her first card. As she flipped this card over, we read it together. It read: “Intention.” As she looked at me perplexed. She asked me “what does that mean? I have never picked that one before.” I explained to her that the intention card means to me that she needs to set an intention in her life. Particularly since this day was the pinnacle to the beginning of the New Year. I said “what a wonderful day to pull that card.” I believe that spirit already knows what cards will be drawn even before they are chosen. Denise seemed to like my explanation. She reached in the pot once again for yet another Angel card to validate her previous card which was intention. Her next card was “Harmony”. Another important card and also a validation of Spirit’s guidance. I again explained to her that once she sets her intention (positively) things will begin to come together with ease for her and all those involved. Everything will be harmonious. This card to me can also represent the family unit or a family bond. Three or more people coming together in love. (Spirit intervened, sharing that last sentence with me as I wrote this blog post.) Interesting. I’ll have to keep that in mind. Thank you Spirit!
As I applied the color to her Denice’s hair we chatted about life, work and loads of other things. I enjoy hearing about what’s going on in my clients lives. I feel I live vicariously through them at times. Finally, I set Denice a timer for her hair to process. I sat down on one of the dyer chairs just across from her. She began to ask me about Reiki and Reiki healing. We had been speaking about the giant poinsettia plant which was in the salon as a decoration for the Holidays. I lovingly named him (the poinsettia) “Big Red.” We spoke of how this plant was doing so well in the space towards the back of the salon. The reason being I believe is the Healing Reiki that I send to it daily. It grew immensely since being place there in early November. Her eyes widened and I could tell her ears perked up! I think that most people in general are curious as to how Reiki healing works. I explained a little to her about how I become a clear channel when offering Reiki to a person, animal or object. There are even times when I have found a situation can benefit from Reiki. I Reiki everything! I have gained the nickname Reiki-Lisa from another well known medium in the area. This makes me smile as I realize I am only the facilitator. Spirit or God (whichever you believe) does the rest. I am only the vehicle through which spirit uses as a conduit to do the healing or to send the energy. I ground and they funnel or channel it through me. As we were speaking, Denise said to me “Did I ever share with you about the Crystal angel? ” I said “No…” She proceeded to share with me her sweet story…
Back in November she left an unhappy job situation. A woman from her work boxed up her belongings that were at her desk. The woman then gave them to her. In the box Denise received there was a little crystal Angel figurine with beautiful golden wings. It was beautiful she told me. Denise told me that she had no idea where it had come from. It was not hers. She had never seen it before. Whamo! In that instant I realized that her spirit peeps decided to stop by and step into my aura for a visit. I felt their presence engulf me! I swear it’s like an open invitation to spirit when one of my clients or friends begin speaking of their loved ones on the spirit – side of life. At this point I don’t even have to try to pull them in. They are simply there. It’s like the veil thins and then they are through! Clear as day I can sense them. I receive messages from Spirit via thoughts, feelings and emotions. I also have developed all my Clair’s. Which means I can see, hear, sense, know, taste & smell everything from Spirit. That is how they connect and communicate with me.  Now don’t get any ideas people… This is not my intention of how I like to work with spirit on a normal basis. With them simply just popping in when they feel like it.? I have boundaries that I set. I am pretty firm on this also. This was different though. This was a hello from heaven! These kinds of occurrences I cannot stop. When spirit is that determined to come through there’s just no stopping them. As luck would have it Denise happened to be my one and only client on this day. I really didn’t mind giving this reading. It was a lovely way to end the year for both of us. Sometimes you simply have to be grateful for what is.
Back to Spirit and the Crystal Angel.  Instantly I sensed a male Spirit step forward. Either a father or grandfather energy presented himself to me. We weren’t sure at first who this was and then he gave me the name Geff to corroborate who he is. Denise’s eyes became as wide as dinner plates… She shouted “Yes! That’s my Grand pop! How would you know that!” I was able to affirm a great deal of information for her. One of the things Geff showed me was a kiss. I saw a  set of lips being blown in her direction. He gave me the feeling he was blowing Denise a kiss. She validated this by sharing that he was a kind man always giving out kisses. He was all about the Love. He showed me Denise’s blue eyes and he gave me the feeling that his were blue also. He said “She has my eyes.” Denice said “Yes!”
Geff went on to give me his cause of passing, which was his heart. I felt this in my chest area. He also showed me something with his foot, like a limp or something. Denise once again confirmed that he walked with a cane. I felt he was on her mom’s side of the family. She confirmed that he was. Denise began to say she speaks to him often. In particular when she needs help or guidance with her mom or about her work. Denise loves crunching numbers, and Geff gave me the feeling that he too loves numbers. In the law of attraction they say like attracts like.
 I was able to explain to Denise what her Pop-pop shared with me. He does guide her. With her work issues. He’s like her guardian angel. (Although our loved ones cannot become Angels, they can guide us from the other side. The difference with Angels is they have never lived on the Earth plane.) When people cross over into the realm of spirit they have a higher vantage point to view things from. They are still the same people they were. Crossing over does not change who they are. They do not become angels or Saints. They simply can see things differently from a lofty perspective. This is one reason why Geff told me he sent Denise the Crystal angel. For guidance. She also wanted to know where on Earth it came from. She knew it was not hers. She had never seen it before. I explained to her what an apport was. Have you ever heard of this terminology? Here, let me explain.
Apport –
parapsychologists and spiritualists, an apport is the paranormal transference of an article from one place to another, or an appearance of an article from an unknown source that is often associated with poltergeist activity or spiritualistic séances. Common items that are produced are stones, feathers, flowers, perfumes and animals. These objects are said to be “gifts “from the spirit(s).
I shared with Denise that the Crystal Angel her Pop-pop gave to her was a physical manifestation or an apport. He was letting her know that he guides her in life and also in her work. Also that he is there for her and that she is never alone. He also expressed to me she needs to place the Crystal Angel where she can see it. She told me it hangs in her room where she sees it daily as a reminder of him and his love. She was flabbergasted! Denise turned to me and asked if it’s normal to feel worn out after experiencing the energies of spirit? She said she was exhausted. I said to her “ab-SOUL-lutely!” All of this information is exhausting for most people to learn to connect with during one sitting. I went on to explain further how for me, Spirit’s energy leaves me tingly all over. I’m used to it. I have been doing it all my life in one form or another. It’s like a psychic muscle one needs to build up in order not to tire out too quickly. She likened the vibration of Spirit to being all jacked up on Red bull. I call it a spiritual high. The best way I can explain it to call it a spiritual morphine. Which to me is what spirit can do for the living when we are in need of “Love energy”. This “Love energy” is what comforts us in times of need from the pain of loss. This is my definition of spiritual morphine. Denise said to me “I’m all tingly inside.” I said “yes that’s how it feels. Welcome to my world. I get that feeling all day long.” When a Spirit being pulls their energy close to ours the difference in vibrational energies is palpable. This can make some people extremely emotional. Those that are empathetic feel it the most. Like when a loved one in Spirit steps in close to your own aura or energy field. This is also the time when Spirit hugs can be experienced. Spirit energy vibrates so much faster than human energy. In order for them to connect with us they must learn to slow their energy way down and we must learn to speed our energy way up. Somewhere in the middle the energies meet up. This is where I come in as the medium. My energy is naturally high by nature. I am able with my abilities to surround myself in the light of God’s love which Divinely oversees the possible union or meeting of the souls. Some call this union a soul to soul connection. I call it a spiritual heart to heart. Where only good can come to it and only good can come from it. The energy of those on the higher planes or dimensions in the spirit realms are amazing to me. I have learned so much from them. I continue to be blown away by many of the lessons they teach me and also my clients. So many lessons of love and forgiveness. Nothing else matters I’m learning. Nothing else matters, but love.
There was a boatload of information that filtered through from Geff, Denise’s Pop-pop. At this point though it was time to rinse and remove Denise’s hair color. I brought her over to the sink. I told her that she was still in an extremely heightened or open state. I explained that she may still receive information from her Pop-pop as I gave her a relaxing scalp massage. I find water to be a major conductor of spirit electricity or energy. Just as I thought, as soon as I placed my hands on her head to begin the scalp massage I was shown a beautiful red rose for her. This is one of my symbols for love, or for sending love to her. I allowed Denise to fully relax while I worked on her without speaking a word. After the scalp massage was over Denise opened her eyes and said to me “I don’t know… The only thing I kept on hearing where the words I’m sorry! I’m sorry! I’m sorry!” Repeated over and over again. She told me that those words didn’t make any sense to her coming from Geff her Pop-pop. She thought she was making it all up in her thoughts. I helped her to understand that this was Spirit communicating with her. I instantly felt that we were not only with her Pop-pop anymore, but another Spirit as well. This rather soft spoken benevolent spirit energy had stepped forward on my other side with a new message. This time I explained it was a woman connected to Geff. I felt it was his wife, Denise’s Grandmother. She was able to accept this information and validated it quite clearly for me. Her Grandmother is on the Spirit-side of life. Denise said that “her grandmother saying I’m sorry makes perfect sense now.” Denise’s Grandmother who would’ve been Denise’s mom’s mom was stepping in to deliver a message of love and forgiveness to her daughter. Both of our mouths dropped wide open! I shared with Denise that all of my readings are wonderful when spirit steps in with information to validate their existence and the continuity of life after death. That in itself is awesome! When you throw in how they are able to weave a web of connection back into our lives and assist us here in the living, to learn important life lessons for our souls’ evolutionary growth. To me this is incredibly brilliant on their part. God works in such mysterious ways. I have been humbled beyond words at times with some of the things that transpire during a session. I said to Denise that so many of my sessions are wonderful and healing for all the parties involved. However only a few sessions are what I call “WOWS!” (Words Of Wisdom, Sincerely) this was one of those times. An enormous Wow! What a wonderful way to end the year on a note of pure unconditional love and Divine forgiveness. Also a beautiful way to start the New Year off with a BIG Bang!
I love stuff like this!!! Don’t you?
Together we walked slowly back over to my station so I could finish drying and styling Denise’s hair. We were both still a bit shellshocked by what just took place. The way Spirit can bring a connection together in such a wild and unusual way. I explained to Denise how one Spirit who is maybe a bit stronger than another will step in at times. Gently bringing in or allowing another Spirit maybe who is more of a quiet soul to speak up or give a message of what I call Love from Above. They are so kind that way.
Now I had to teach Denise a crash course in how to be the Spirit messenger or honorary Spirit medium. To be able to deliver this lovely message to her mother. We both decided after speaking about it for a moment that her mother may or may not be open to receiving the message. Mainly because it’s from her daughter. Denise’s mother can be a bit close minded it times, as can many people when they are not ready to hear certain things. Denise’s grandmother, Amelia I felt was this way as well. The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. We devised a plan in which to make the message come to life in a way that her mother could understand it. For her highest good. I would like you all to understand that you too can use this plan if you ever have to share Spirit information or a message with someone who may not be 100% open to receiving a message from a medium, or from you for that matter. This works no matter what their religious background or belief system is. I found it works like a charm if you use this one simple technique that I would like to share with you.
Explain to them that you had a dream of the loved one that you speak of. Everyone can relate to a dream. In this way the recipient of the message can decide if they want to accept the message or not. Some soul food for thought.. Just because we ourselves receive messages from Spirit does not mean we have to share them. We all have abilities to tune in and pick up thoughts from Spirit. We do it all day long and half of you do not even realize you’re doing it. Learning to discern what is meant to be shared, when it’s the correct time to offer guidance from Spirit and what is not to be expressed is all part of learning the art of mediumship. This knowledge comes from years of education taught from informative teachers and sitting in Spirit circles with other like minded mediums in training. It’s not something I advise that you take lightly. Your words are powerful, use them wisely. I have had this happen before where someone leaves me after a session. With all good intentions of not only sharing the wonderful messages of love and light that have filtered through for their loved ones here on Earth. Only to find out they’re up against a huge brick wall when trying to relay the message that spirit brought through specifically for that person. Not everyone is open to receiving messages from the other side. That is ok. Everyone has differing beliefs. However everyone can relate to a dream. Who doesn’t want a hello from heaven? Specially when it’s heaven sent.?
Denise could not get over all that had transpired during her appointment and frankly neither could I. Like I said in the beginning of the story this is not something I normally offer in the salon. This type of reading is what normally takes place in my office over at the Healing House, by appointment. However spirit had other plans for us this last day of 2015. Out with the old and in with The new! Happy 2016 everyone!!
I asked Denise to pull one final card before we closed her session and finished up her hair appointment. She pulled “A-wakening.” What a perfect card for her. What a perfect day, and finally in what a perfect way all this information came through for us this  gloriuos day.. God not only closed the door on the old way of life for Denise. He also opened up a window to show her with love that all things are possible to those who believe. ❤️
The end.

The reason for the season

IMG_0496Happy Birthday Jesus ❤️
Christmas… I am not a big fan of what it has become. I loved Christmas as a child. It was so uncomplicated back then. I miss the simplicity. I used to love to lay under our tree on Christmas Eve as a little girl and look into the nativity scene with eyes full of wonder. The twinkling lights would cast a soft glow while the melodious sound of silent night was playing in another room. As I lay there I used to wonder what it was like for baby Jesus being born back then. Lying in the manger full of straw. I wondered if he was cold? Did he realize who He was? Did He know how He would change the world? Probably not. I loved that all the animals came to see Him. I believe they knew. Animals always know. Their senses are so much stronger than ours. Of course as a child I used to play with all the figurines too (even though I wasn’t supposed to) creating my own interactive Christmas story. Haha! I had quite an imagination back then and still do. It was so much fun being a kid. Growing up in a simpler time of less was more.
Christmas Eve and waiting for Santa, that was probably the best part though. The excitement of what he would bring… I could hardly contain myself. I was usually the last one to bed. Sleeping with one eye open trying to see if I could catch a peek of the infamous Saint Nick and of course I was also the first one up… At 5am. Being an excitable kid I was told to go back to bed many times over until around 7am my parents would finally give in to my annoying plea of “Please, please, please… Can we get up now? The gifts are waiting!” Oh to be a little person again with such wonder in our eyes and love in our hearts. ☺️ As we grow up some of us seem to let that slip away. Life becomes so serious.
That little child full of love is still inside each and everyone of us. We just need to find him or her and reintroduce them to the world. Letting go of all that is not important. Changing our priorities. Allowing ourselves to let go of what no longer serves our highest good. In doing so life can and will become fun again. We can see things through the eyes of that child we once were and in doing so we can see that Love is the answer to most of life’s difficulties. This world needs more Love❤️❤️❤️ now more than ever.
Things have changed over the years for me. Now Thanksgiving is more my favorite holiday. Less stress. It’s simple really, eat, drink & be Merry❤️ I enjoy being with my family, friends and those I love. During Christmas the excess that people feel obligated to give makes me sad. It should not be about all we give or get. It’s about being surrounded with all those we care for. It’s about Jesus being born. Celebrating Love. It’s about giving to those in need. We all are so fortunate to have so much in our lives. My wish for all of you this Christmas is that everyone’s health be good. For happy smiles to become contagious on the faces of the sad so that we may continue to light up the world all around of us with the glow that resides in our hearts. You never know what someone is going through and it only takes a second to send some love through a thought or a prayer (remember we are all made of energy and energetic thoughts travel quickly)
Try this.. Smile at a stranger. Who knows that stranger may become a friend. The gift of your time could change someone’s life. I believe in this. All of you being here on my page and supporting my healing work while accompanying me on this journey has made a huge impact on who I am as a soul and who I have become, and who I will continue to be. I am grateful for all of your support. It’s is your love, likes, shares and comments that have inspired me to continually post positive quotes, thoughts and photos of the beauty in our world that we all share. We all have the power to heal or the power to hurt. I have come to understand that hurt people, hurt people. It’s plain to see they need more love. Those that are shown unconditional love will grow, evolve and inspire.
I believe we are all God and God is in all of us. Let that sink in for a moment…
We are much more powerful than we actually realize. Thank you for taking this journey with me through this thing called life. I’m so glad you are here❤️
I want to wish everyone a beautiful Holiday season & a very Merry Christmas to all whether you celebrate or not. Take my love, and share it. May God Bless you?❤️?
May there be peace on Earth and good will shown towards all men and women. For only Love conquers all & all things are possible for those who believe❤️
Thank you Jesus for this day. #HappyBirthday
Blessings of Love to all,
Lisa Potts
The Hairdresser-Medium®

Learning about Life… The Ups, Downs and All Arounds ❤️

Karen's Feather from Grandmom and Evelyn

(This Spirit feather in this photo was taken by my sister Karen as it cascaded down and gently landed in her hand at the Spirt-art workshop I facilitated this week. We believe it was a sign of Love from Above from our Grandmother in Spirit. ❤️)

 Last week was an emotional whirlwind! I was up! I was Down, and All around… I thought could this even be happening?

The work week began on a high note as most of my days and weeks usually do. The salon door opened and in walked a dear friend of mine, (we’ll call her) Dominique. She needed to schedule a haircut. Before we set up her appointment we spoke. Mutually we have another friend who has been battling cancer for a few years now off and on. At this point on her journey she is in her final stages of life in this world. This friend of ours who is in hospice, we’ll call her Shirley for all intents and purposes of this story. Shirley is a kind hearted, generous person who I have been praying for and sending healing to for quite some time now. No one wants to see her suffer. From what my friend Dominique said she is just about ready to transition into the next dimension. “Very soon” she  said, “Very soon.” The insane thing is that Dominique had told me that she had just visited with Shirley and that she’s barely on any medicine for pain.  She said “She’s barely in any pain at all Lisa.” I found this to be crazy and when I say crazy I mean wild! Our friend Mike that passed a little over a year ago was the same way. Just before he transitioned or crossed over, he too had little or no pain.  He was only on ibuprofen for his stage four cancer, the same as Shirley. I have read a few books from a wonderful terminal care Dr. in Texas named Dr. John Lerma. He wrote the books  titled: “Into The Light” and “Learning From the Light” both excellent reads. If you’d like to learn more about PDE’s or Pre-Death Experiences check out his books. The way in which he interviews his patients before they cross over during their stay in palliative care while they are in his hospice is incredible. Most have little or no pain and are not heavily medicated. His patients are fully cognizant. Each patient explains to Dr.Lerma how they are seeing and sensing their loved ones, the Angels, Saints and even some of the Ascended Masters and benevolent beings who arrive to surround them with light and love. Dr. Lerma’s patients reveal to him that this is partly why they are pain- free. These higher beings are able to take away the pain that the person had previously. It’s kind of like a spiritual morphine of sorts. I learned quite a great deal from reading this doctor’s book. A fascinating, kindhearted man. The world needs more people like him.

As Dominique and I spoke further she began to refer to Shirley’s aunt ( who we will call) Louise in the past tense. I was confused. I didn’t catch on right away. There were too many thoughts swirling around in my head. I thought what is she talking about? Aunt Louise is one of our client’s as well as our client’s mother. She had recently received a sudden diagnoses of cancer throughout her entire body a little over a week and a half ago. This information was sad and so disheartening for me to hear. I thought life is unfair sometimes. Shirley’s Aunt, Louise just like like Shirley herself is a light hearted, kind person who does a lot of good for numerous people. She is so full of love and she radiates that love outward by assisting others. She has a smile that lights up a room. She is simply a joy to be around. As is our dear friend Shirley. While Dominique and I continued to speak I felt a bit lost in the conversation though because Dominique referenced Shirley’s Aunt Louise as not being able to be there for Shirley when she crossed over. I agreed because I was thinking of all that Aunt Louise had been going through with her own diagnosis. I had been praying for Aunt Louise. Holding her in light and love. The week before at the weekly spirit circle that I attend I even asked that the entire group of mediums and healers to hold Aunt Louise in prayer during that night’s Spirit circle meeting. It was a profound and powerful experience to have so many people pray and send healing all at once. I knew on some level our thoughts and prayers had been heard. I saw my number all week long…  The number “44”. This number is my sign. It’s always 44 minutes after the hour when my prayers are heard and Spirit gives me this sign as a validation to know that this is so. Also to know that the number “44” means to me “To heal and help others”.

It dawned on me as Dominique spoke. Nothing she was saying made any sense to me. She was saying Aunt Louise was already there. I thought … Where? I couldn’t comprehend what she was saying. I was confused. I felt my prayers last week were heard. Not trying to attach myself to the outcome but feeling like Aunt Louise would get better. Dominique said to me “Your prayers were heard. She didn’t have to suffer long like her niece Shirley did.” I thought to myself… “What?” My friend looked at me with the saddest eyes and she said “Oh Lis, you didn’t know… Did you? Aunt Louise passed away on All Souls Day.” Which was 2 days prior. I was simply floored! I had no idea that Aunt Louise had passed. I remained speechless for a couple of seconds trying to wrap my head around the severity of what transpired and how it all happened so quickly. How that I had not heard a word about it. I needed to get a tissue because the flood gates in my eyes began to open up and out came what my heart could not say. The tears began to flow for my friend Shirley, for our client Aunt Louise, and for her daughter and her family and also for my dear friend, Dominique (Shirley’s best friend) who was standing right in front of me holding all of herself together as I fell completely apart. I was utterly in shock! I still cannot believe how quickly Aunt Louise passed. 2 weeks from diagnosis to death. How unexpected I thought. I was dumbfounded.

After composing myself Dominique and I continued to speak about our dear friend Shirley and how her passing would be soon, any day now my friend said. She asked me to continue to pray that Shirley would soon cross over into the light so she could be at peace. As Dominique was standing directly in front of me I heard a woman in the Spirit world say to me that it would be the next day. I heard the word “tomorrow” that I thought was about Shirley’s passing. Dominique said that would be good as she knew her dear friend was ready to leave this world and begin her new life in the Heaven world. However Shirley was still holding on for some reason. Whether it was her holding on to her family or her family holding on to her. Dominique told me that the hospice nurses said everyone needed to let go of Shirley. To let her transition to the other side. Anyone who has suffered loss knows that the letting go is always the most difficult part. Dominique said to me that when she went to visit Shirley she looked almost translucent, ethereal. Almost angelic. She said she looked as if she was radiating an inner glow not noticeable before. She was absolutely beautiful Dominique said. I could only imagine, as I myself have not been able to be with many people on their death beds. From what I have read and understand from Spirit this transitory state is a blessing as well as a gift. Just like being born into this world. The transition into the Heaven world should also be celebrated. We are being birthed into the next world. It’s a going home. Back to the Creator. The God Source energy of all that is. Crossing over into the Heaven world is a monumental event. I am told by Spirit and my guides that when our loved ones arrive they are greeted by all those who have gone before them. There is so much Love and healing that is given freely to all newcomers. There is no longer any suffering. Whatever pain that your loved one may have experienced here on the Earth plane has now been completly washed away. They are free. Your loved ones are surrounded in the light of God’s love or whomever or whatever you believe The Creator to be. In crossing over know that your loved ones never leave you. The Love they share with you is extremely powerful. Love is the strongest bond that there is and it can never be severed… Ever!

It is my experience that usually a short time after your loved one crosses over they will find a way to send signs to you so that you know they have arrived and they are alright. I find that there are certain souls that need extra healing. It may take a little longer for those souls to come through and send their signs to you. I also find that when your heart is heavy with grief it can be difficult to receive these signs. Your heart needs to be an open channel or conduit to connect with your loved ones on the other side. It’s a soul to soul connection, or I like to say a spiritual heart to heart if you will. If you are open to receive these signs and messages you will. If not, don’t worry. Spirit will remain near you assisting you in your healing and with your grief. The Heaven world is a wonderful place. It is not up there or down there. From what Spirit has explained to me the Heaven world is all around us. It is here! Your loved ones spirit-side are simply in another dimension that can cross this dimension at certain times when the veil is thin or what I like to call the ‘tween times. Those times in between dawn and dusk when we are usually more open and aware. You can also think of it like this, your loved one is not gone, they are merely in another room. You will see them again, someday when it is your time to return home.

A few days after I spoke to my friend, Dominique who stopped in the salon. I had a visitation dream from one of my guides in the spirit world. I was actually sleeping but it was just upon waking that he made his presence known to me. As I lay in my bed I could see I was in my living room. Talk about being a bit confused! I was in two separate places at once. I was astral projecting … This was so cool! I looked back into my bedroom and saw my body lying there in my bed, however I was physically in my living room. I could see and feel myself standing there on my wooden floor.  I also saw my spirit friend sitting on my couch. I said a thought to him via ESP(extra sensory perception). I literally thought a thought to him. He answered me via a thought as well. I asked him why he was here? He gave me the thought that he was here for someone or something. He wore a black jeff cap on his head. To me his black hat symbolized a passing that I knew would occur. With that the visitation ended and we crossed each other in another dimension. I know this is difficult to understand, but try… It was like his energy walked right through mine. The best way I can describe it is like in the movie “Ghost” when the irate spirit guy in the subway walks through Patrick Swayze and takes his breath away for a split second. That’s what it felt like. It was wild! I felt his energy go through my being and just like that he was gone. I was back in my bed and I wondered how I returned there so quickly but then I just knew what had occurred. My spirit friend doesn’t usually show up in the physical realm. I usually only hear him in my thoughts, but every now and then he appears to me. I love when this happens! It is surreal. It’s a little Hello from the Heaven-world. I could almost touch him, although he’d probably disappear if I tried to. Although I did have another dream visitation years ago where I was able to hug him and that was nice. A spirit hug is always good. Love is Love no matter what form it takes. We all need Love, It’s what makes the world go around.

A couple of days later on Saturday afternoon I received the call…
Shirley had joined Aunt Louise and all her other loved ones in the Spirit realms. She had finally decided to let go. Well it wasn’t “tomorrow” like I had heard but then again time and space over there are not what they are here. I believe that Shirley left when she was good and ready. I was told she passed peacefully in her home surrounded by her loved ones. God has Blessed her now. Free of the cancer she is once again whole and healed as is Aunt Louise. Together I’m sure they will begin to give all of us signs that they are alright. Because that is just what our loved ones do when they know we are open to receive their messages of Love from Above. I will continue to keep an eye out for any messages from them. In the meantime all the while I have been typing this blog post the lights in my house have been flickering off and on. They don’t normally do this. Only when Spirit is present. Yes there is a presence of an energy here right now with me that I do sense and feel. However they (Spirit) are remaining mute as they stand beside me. Watching me type they are more than likely assisting me with these words, because I have to say my fingers have never typed so fast. The words are just flowing into my thought s like wine being poured into a delicate goblet for a celebration.
A celebration of life after life!  Continue reading Learning about Life… The Ups, Downs and All Arounds ❤️