Sweet Nectar of Life
Continue reading ❤️ Sweet Nectar of Life
After having fun at last nights informational essential oil class in my office. Inspiration prompted me this morning to feed the creative fires within my soul. By producing my own version of a classic with this healthy twist. Introducing my healthy morning brew to you.
Continue reading ❤️ Forget Love, Fall in Coffee
In letting go all things are possible. Imagine that?…
Yesterday was one of those times. Spirit is continually present in my life. Jesus said, “Ask and you shall receive, and your joy will be complete” – John 16:24.
After speaking to my sister about how we as people seem to try much to hard to get things to come together. She agreed. We have a need to feel as if we are in control. Ultimately we never are. It’s all an illusion. There’s a small card in my car as a reminder that says Give love expecting nothing in return. I decided to accomplish this more frequently than I have done in the past, to see what would come about. Inspired by the results I share what I’m continuing to learn. Often times I turn to prayer when I’m not sure what to do or which way to go… Getting out of our own way really seems to allow things to flow to us effortlessly when they are meant to be.
Prayer was an essential part of life growing up in the Catholic faith. It’s what I’ve been taught. Although it felt more out of memorization and obligation to me rather than as a connection to something bigger than myself. It wasn’t until I realized later in life that prayer does a body good, it’s also wonderful spiritual tool for the soul, but that’s another blog post altogether. For now let me explain. Continue reading ❤️Pray often
Continue reading An Open Door Welcomes New Possibilities❤️
Yesterday I went to the dentist for what I thought was a somewhat routine visit to have a couple of crowns put on and a filling addressed.
5 hours later I was finally able to walk out of the dentist’s office. Long day… I was in a good deal of discomfort from having to hold my jaw open for that long and also from the gum tissue that had to be cut away with the laser. Not to mention the 10 or so shots of novocain I courageously endured… It wasn’t that bad I guess, but what can I say… I’m a strong one or so my dentist told me. He had to use more novocain than normal. He said “You need more than the average bear”… I nervously giggled. Was he relating me to a bear? I thought, no.. I was now a full fledged Queen as I received my first and hopefully last 2 crowns ever… Who knows, but he made me laugh. Btw.. I really like my new dentist. Great guy! Dr. Brian Trachtenburg. Check him out and mention my name if you are in the market for a new dentist who is completely thorough. They give out nice gifts to all new patients 🙂 http://www.tymatrachtenbergdental.com
He explained to me how challenging my situation was. Long story short. I was told to get on a pain reliever right away. I had to disagree. FYI.. During the procedure I felt called to send Reiki healing to myself, the hygienists, and to my dentist. Continue reading A snip in Lavender was well ahead of it’s Thyme❤️