Happy Birthday Jesus ❤️
Happy Birthday Jesus ❤️
(This Spirit feather in this photo was taken by my sister Karen as it cascaded down and gently landed in her hand at the Spirt-art workshop I facilitated this week. We believe it was a sign of Love from Above from our Grandmother in Spirit. ❤️)
Last week was an emotional whirlwind! I was up! I was Down, and All around… I thought could this even be happening?
The work week began on a high note as most of my days and weeks usually do. The salon door opened and in walked a dear friend of mine, (we’ll call her) Dominique. She needed to schedule a haircut. Before we set up her appointment we spoke. Mutually we have another friend who has been battling cancer for a few years now off and on. At this point on her journey she is in her final stages of life in this world. This friend of ours who is in hospice, we’ll call her Shirley for all intents and purposes of this story. Shirley is a kind hearted, generous person who I have been praying for and sending healing to for quite some time now. No one wants to see her suffer. From what my friend Dominique said she is just about ready to transition into the next dimension. “Very soon” she said, “Very soon.” The insane thing is that Dominique had told me that she had just visited with Shirley and that she’s barely on any medicine for pain. She said “She’s barely in any pain at all Lisa.” I found this to be crazy and when I say crazy I mean wild! Our friend Mike that passed a little over a year ago was the same way. Just before he transitioned or crossed over, he too had little or no pain. He was only on ibuprofen for his stage four cancer, the same as Shirley. I have read a few books from a wonderful terminal care Dr. in Texas named Dr. John Lerma. He wrote the books titled: “Into The Light” and “Learning From the Light” both excellent reads. If you’d like to learn more about PDE’s or Pre-Death Experiences check out his books. The way in which he interviews his patients before they cross over during their stay in palliative care while they are in his hospice is incredible. Most have little or no pain and are not heavily medicated. His patients are fully cognizant. Each patient explains to Dr.Lerma how they are seeing and sensing their loved ones, the Angels, Saints and even some of the Ascended Masters and benevolent beings who arrive to surround them with light and love. Dr. Lerma’s patients reveal to him that this is partly why they are pain- free. These higher beings are able to take away the pain that the person had previously. It’s kind of like a spiritual morphine of sorts. I learned quite a great deal from reading this doctor’s book. A fascinating, kindhearted man. The world needs more people like him.
As Dominique and I spoke further she began to refer to Shirley’s aunt ( who we will call) Louise in the past tense. I was confused. I didn’t catch on right away. There were too many thoughts swirling around in my head. I thought what is she talking about? Aunt Louise is one of our client’s as well as our client’s mother. She had recently received a sudden diagnoses of cancer throughout her entire body a little over a week and a half ago. This information was sad and so disheartening for me to hear. I thought life is unfair sometimes. Shirley’s Aunt, Louise just like like Shirley herself is a light hearted, kind person who does a lot of good for numerous people. She is so full of love and she radiates that love outward by assisting others. She has a smile that lights up a room. She is simply a joy to be around. As is our dear friend Shirley. While Dominique and I continued to speak I felt a bit lost in the conversation though because Dominique referenced Shirley’s Aunt Louise as not being able to be there for Shirley when she crossed over. I agreed because I was thinking of all that Aunt Louise had been going through with her own diagnosis. I had been praying for Aunt Louise. Holding her in light and love. The week before at the weekly spirit circle that I attend I even asked that the entire group of mediums and healers to hold Aunt Louise in prayer during that night’s Spirit circle meeting. It was a profound and powerful experience to have so many people pray and send healing all at once. I knew on some level our thoughts and prayers had been heard. I saw my number all week long… The number “44”. This number is my sign. It’s always 44 minutes after the hour when my prayers are heard and Spirit gives me this sign as a validation to know that this is so. Also to know that the number “44” means to me “To heal and help others”.
It dawned on me as Dominique spoke. Nothing she was saying made any sense to me. She was saying Aunt Louise was already there. I thought … Where? I couldn’t comprehend what she was saying. I was confused. I felt my prayers last week were heard. Not trying to attach myself to the outcome but feeling like Aunt Louise would get better. Dominique said to me “Your prayers were heard. She didn’t have to suffer long like her niece Shirley did.” I thought to myself… “What?” My friend looked at me with the saddest eyes and she said “Oh Lis, you didn’t know… Did you? Aunt Louise passed away on All Souls Day.” Which was 2 days prior. I was simply floored! I had no idea that Aunt Louise had passed. I remained speechless for a couple of seconds trying to wrap my head around the severity of what transpired and how it all happened so quickly. How that I had not heard a word about it. I needed to get a tissue because the flood gates in my eyes began to open up and out came what my heart could not say. The tears began to flow for my friend Shirley, for our client Aunt Louise, and for her daughter and her family and also for my dear friend, Dominique (Shirley’s best friend) who was standing right in front of me holding all of herself together as I fell completely apart. I was utterly in shock! I still cannot believe how quickly Aunt Louise passed. 2 weeks from diagnosis to death. How unexpected I thought. I was dumbfounded.
After composing myself Dominique and I continued to speak about our dear friend Shirley and how her passing would be soon, any day now my friend said. She asked me to continue to pray that Shirley would soon cross over into the light so she could be at peace. As Dominique was standing directly in front of me I heard a woman in the Spirit world say to me that it would be the next day. I heard the word “tomorrow” that I thought was about Shirley’s passing. Dominique said that would be good as she knew her dear friend was ready to leave this world and begin her new life in the Heaven world. However Shirley was still holding on for some reason. Whether it was her holding on to her family or her family holding on to her. Dominique told me that the hospice nurses said everyone needed to let go of Shirley. To let her transition to the other side. Anyone who has suffered loss knows that the letting go is always the most difficult part. Dominique said to me that when she went to visit Shirley she looked almost translucent, ethereal. Almost angelic. She said she looked as if she was radiating an inner glow not noticeable before. She was absolutely beautiful Dominique said. I could only imagine, as I myself have not been able to be with many people on their death beds. From what I have read and understand from Spirit this transitory state is a blessing as well as a gift. Just like being born into this world. The transition into the Heaven world should also be celebrated. We are being birthed into the next world. It’s a going home. Back to the Creator. The God Source energy of all that is. Crossing over into the Heaven world is a monumental event. I am told by Spirit and my guides that when our loved ones arrive they are greeted by all those who have gone before them. There is so much Love and healing that is given freely to all newcomers. There is no longer any suffering. Whatever pain that your loved one may have experienced here on the Earth plane has now been completly washed away. They are free. Your loved ones are surrounded in the light of God’s love or whomever or whatever you believe The Creator to be. In crossing over know that your loved ones never leave you. The Love they share with you is extremely powerful. Love is the strongest bond that there is and it can never be severed… Ever!
It is my experience that usually a short time after your loved one crosses over they will find a way to send signs to you so that you know they have arrived and they are alright. I find that there are certain souls that need extra healing. It may take a little longer for those souls to come through and send their signs to you. I also find that when your heart is heavy with grief it can be difficult to receive these signs. Your heart needs to be an open channel or conduit to connect with your loved ones on the other side. It’s a soul to soul connection, or I like to say a spiritual heart to heart if you will. If you are open to receive these signs and messages you will. If not, don’t worry. Spirit will remain near you assisting you in your healing and with your grief. The Heaven world is a wonderful place. It is not up there or down there. From what Spirit has explained to me the Heaven world is all around us. It is here! Your loved ones spirit-side are simply in another dimension that can cross this dimension at certain times when the veil is thin or what I like to call the ‘tween times. Those times in between dawn and dusk when we are usually more open and aware. You can also think of it like this, your loved one is not gone, they are merely in another room. You will see them again, someday when it is your time to return home.
A few days after I spoke to my friend, Dominique who stopped in the salon. I had a visitation dream from one of my guides in the spirit world. I was actually sleeping but it was just upon waking that he made his presence known to me. As I lay in my bed I could see I was in my living room. Talk about being a bit confused! I was in two separate places at once. I was astral projecting … This was so cool! I looked back into my bedroom and saw my body lying there in my bed, however I was physically in my living room. I could see and feel myself standing there on my wooden floor. I also saw my spirit friend sitting on my couch. I said a thought to him via ESP(extra sensory perception). I literally thought a thought to him. He answered me via a thought as well. I asked him why he was here? He gave me the thought that he was here for someone or something. He wore a black jeff cap on his head. To me his black hat symbolized a passing that I knew would occur. With that the visitation ended and we crossed each other in another dimension. I know this is difficult to understand, but try… It was like his energy walked right through mine. The best way I can describe it is like in the movie “Ghost” when the irate spirit guy in the subway walks through Patrick Swayze and takes his breath away for a split second. That’s what it felt like. It was wild! I felt his energy go through my being and just like that he was gone. I was back in my bed and I wondered how I returned there so quickly but then I just knew what had occurred. My spirit friend doesn’t usually show up in the physical realm. I usually only hear him in my thoughts, but every now and then he appears to me. I love when this happens! It is surreal. It’s a little Hello from the Heaven-world. I could almost touch him, although he’d probably disappear if I tried to. Although I did have another dream visitation years ago where I was able to hug him and that was nice. A spirit hug is always good. Love is Love no matter what form it takes. We all need Love, It’s what makes the world go around.
A couple of days later on Saturday afternoon I received the call…
Shirley had joined Aunt Louise and all her other loved ones in the Spirit realms. She had finally decided to let go. Well it wasn’t “tomorrow” like I had heard but then again time and space over there are not what they are here. I believe that Shirley left when she was good and ready. I was told she passed peacefully in her home surrounded by her loved ones. God has Blessed her now. Free of the cancer she is once again whole and healed as is Aunt Louise. Together I’m sure they will begin to give all of us signs that they are alright. Because that is just what our loved ones do when they know we are open to receive their messages of Love from Above. I will continue to keep an eye out for any messages from them. In the meantime all the while I have been typing this blog post the lights in my house have been flickering off and on. They don’t normally do this. Only when Spirit is present. Yes there is a presence of an energy here right now with me that I do sense and feel. However they (Spirit) are remaining mute as they stand beside me. Watching me type they are more than likely assisting me with these words, because I have to say my fingers have never typed so fast. The words are just flowing into my thought s like wine being poured into a delicate goblet for a celebration.
A celebration of life after life! Continue reading Learning about Life… The Ups, Downs and All Arounds ❤️